Financial results - TRANSILANA SA

Financial Summary - Transilana Sa
Unique identification code: 1132417
Registration number: J08/15/1991
Nace: 1310
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
The most important financial indicators for the company Transilana Sa - Unique Identification Number 1132417: - euro, registering a net profit of - euro and having an average number of - employees. Firma isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Pregatirea fibrelor si filarea fibrelor textile having the NACE code 1310.


2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
CAEN 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310
ACTIVE IMOBILIZATE - TOTAL 9.823.655 11.564.903 13.550.542 12.778.479 11.540.920 10.254.259
CAPITALURI - TOTAL, din care: 6.951.790 7.052.414 7.251.680 7.373.264 7.505.367 7.705.279
Capital subscris varsat 4.875.513 4.875.513 4.875.513 4.875.513 4.875.513 4.875.513
Cifra de afaceri neta 28.233.567 28.161.372 32.293.619 33.061.255 21.387.325 30.245.650
VENITURI TOTALE 28.943.174 29.296.178 33.698.854 32.971.050 22.551.900 29.928.041
CHELTUIELI TOTALE 28.823.294 29.177.528 33.466.519 32.824.529 22.394.821 29.665.951
Profit brut 119.880 118.650 232.335 146.521 157.079 262.090
Profit net 99.670 100.624 199.266 121.584 132.103 222.334
ACTIVE CIRCULANTE - TOTAL, din care: 12.957.663 14.869.793 19.523.920 17.808.179 15.878.011 16.064.448
Numar mediu de salariati - 148 140 132 131 127
Stocuri 8.244.885 9.499.429 10.129.220 10.063.559 9.795.844 9.768.754
Creante 3.971.056 4.826.133 8.886.096 7.230.759 5.692.718 5.458.966
Casa si conturi la bãnci 741.722 544.231 508.604 513.861 389.449 836.728
DATORII 15.131.644 18.811.069 25.378.241 22.835.615 19.580.397 18.324.873
VENITURI IN AVANS 684.780 558.109 431.437 364.675 320.063 275.451
PROVIZIOANE 13.104 13.104 13.104 13.104 13.104 13.104

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Transilana Sa

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